Thursday, March 26, 2009
1) Role play
o Aim: To make students participate in class and attract their interest in the subject.
o Outcome: Increase attention in class and increase their interest to learn during classroom in more active way.
o Strength: It is a practical way in making students understand what has been taught in class and make them remember easily because they are the one who get involved in it.
o Weakness: Time consuming.
2) Group discussion
o An activity which consists of several students in a group that make them together understand, evaluate and solve problem of subjects learn.
o Aim: Encourage students to cooperate with each other.
o Outcome: Increase the level of students’ understanding and their memory in scoring the subject.
o Strength: Help them to master the subject learned in class and able to help their peers in understanding the subject learned.
o Weakness: Teacher difficulties to monitor the level of understanding of all groups.
3) Student-centred approach
o Focuses on students as active learners; teacher helps students to discover their own abilities in study instead of teacher giving lectures and controls the classroom activities.
o Aim: Create students awareness and help them using their own strategies for learning.
o Outcome: Enhance students’ ability on creative thinking.
o Strength: Encourage students to be more cooperative towards each other in the learning process and to develop motivation in learning.
o Weakness: Teacher loses control in managing the classroom and may create conflict among students as they have different opinions/ arguments in learning.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
- Teacher can teach more effectively as well
- to ensure that the process of P&P (Proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran)/ (Teaching and Learning Process) being organized.
- Help to set the learning outcome that the students should master after P&P session
- To help teacher to be prepared and confidence during the lesson.
- Watching film.
- Slide presentation
Instructional Strategies
- discussion
- pantomime
- lecture
- watching movie
- to make the subject more interesting.
- Encourage the students to cooperate to each other by answering the question.
- More concentration and attention from the students.
· 8.1 Islam dan Penyebarannya di Makkah
a. Masyarakat Arab Jahiliyah
b. Islam dan penyebarannya di Makkah
c. Reaksi masyarakat Arab
· Video show & lecture
· Aim: to motivate students to be interested in learning history at the beginning of
· Reflection
1) Students were asked to go to the school’s television room (VCD/DVD)
2) Briefly give them explanation on what will they learn on that day
3) Movie watching on ‘Islam di Mekah’ or ‘Muhammad the Last Prophet’.
4) The teacher asks students’ to give their reflection based on what they have watched.
5) Lecture in class.
· 8.2 Kerajaan Islam di Madinah
a. Perjanjian Aqabah Pertama dan Kedua
b. Hijrah
c. Piagam Madinah
d. Penyebaran Islam
e. Perjanjian Hudaibiyah
f. Pembukaan semula Kota Makkah
· Slide presentation in class: - colourful charts and pictures
· Homework
1) Divide students in 5 groups
2) Ask students to read the subtopic in advance
3) The teacher gives lecture with the aids from the slide presentation.
4) The slide presentation consists of colourful slides, charts and pictures.
5) After the presentation, teacher asks students to give reflection on the topic.
· 8.3 Pembentukan Kerajaan Islam dan Sumbangannya
a. Zaman Khalifah al-Rasyidin
b. Kerajaan Bani Umaiyah
c. Kerajaan Bani Abbasiyah
d. Kerajaan Turki Uthmaniyah
e. Pertembungan tamadun Islam dengan tamadun lain di dunia
· Discussion & Group presentation
· Mind-mapping
1) Get them into their group.
2) Give topic for each group to be discussed and ask them to present in the next class.
3) Brief them that the topic they discussed should be written in mind- mapping.
4) Next class, each group should send 2 representatives to present the topic in 7 minutes.
5) Teacher evaluates the presentation by adding and correcting information they present.
Week 4:
· 8.4 Islam di Asia Tenggara
a. Kedatangan Islam ke Asia Tenggara
b. Penyebaran Islam di Asia Tenggara
c. Pengaruh Islam di Asia Tenggara
· Pantomime & Lecture
· Reward
1) First, divide 10 students per group.
2) Give them a topic and they have to present in pantomime for the next class.
3) Students have to perform the pantomime 10 minutes per group.
4) Teacher will evaluate the pantomime by adding and correcting information.
5) Teacher will reward the best group and the best actor (reward: praise and give present
–motivation; extrinsic).
Week 5:
· 8.5 Pembaharuan dan Pengaruh Islam di Malaysia Sebelum Kedatangan Barat.
a. Pemerintahan dan pentadbiran
b. Sosiobudaya
c. Ekonomi
· Movie & Lecture: History channel (Astro)
· Taking notes
1) Ask students to go to television room (watch History channel)
2) Brief and ask students to take note on what they have watched.
3) After movie watching, teacher will ask students’ reflections.
4) Lecture in class.
Response from Interview with Secondary Teachers
( Apakah yang anda faham dengan teknik pengajaran langsung.? Boleh anda nyatakan apa yang anda faham tentang ia?)
~ teacher # 1: Kaedah yang digunakan untuk mengajar dan merangsang murid-murid berfikir
dan memahami sesuatu teknik pembelajaran.
~ teacher # 2: Teknik pengajaran langsung satu proses P&P (Proses Pengajaran dan
Pembelajaran) yang memperkenalkan tajuk dan
maklumat kepada para pelajar atau murid.
~ teacher # 3: Direct teaching techniques, through the lesson plan and the assessment, in
order to get immediate students performance.
~teacher # 4: Pengajaran langsung merupakan salah satu teknik pengajaran di mana guru
berkomunikasi secara berhadapan dan bersemuka dengan murid. Melalui
teknik ini, segala ilmu dan maklumat dapat disampaikan secara terus kepada
murid-murid yang sekaligus memudahkan maklum balas diantara murid dan
guru mengenai tajuk yang dibincangkan. Ia juga turut menjadikan proses
pengajaran dan pembelajaran berlangsung dengan lancar dan lebih berkesan.
2) Do you apply all this techniques while you are teaching in the classroom?
( Adakah anda mempraktiskan teknik pengajaran sebegitu di dalam kelas?)
~ teacher # 1: Ya, untuk memajukan dan mengembangkan tahap pemikiran murid.
~ teacher # 2: Ya, saya mempraktikkan teknik tersebut di dalam kelas.
~ teacher # 3: Yes, all the principle are used in the classroom teaching.
~ teacher # 4: Ya, saya sentiasa mempraktikkan teknik pengajaran langsung ini di dalam kelas
yang saya ajar.
3) How do you cover all syllabuses within one year using direct instruction?
( Bagaimana anda melengkapkan silibus dengan menggunakan teknik pengajaran langsung (direct instruction ) dalam tempoh setahun?)
~ teacher # 1: Perlulah mempunyai penentuan dan perancangan kaedah dan teknik mengajar
yang baik untuk mencapai objektif.
~ teacher # 2: Dengan melengkapkan serta menggunakan penerangan yang jelas contoh-
contoh dan model yang dipelajari.
~ teacher # 3: Through the principles, applied in the teaching.
~ teacher # 4: Bagi memastikan sukatan pelajaran dapat dipenuhi, saya akan membuat
perancangan pengajaran bulanan dan mingguan mengikut aturan tajuk bagi
setiap mata pelajaran yang diajar dalam tempoh 12 bulan/setahun itu dan saya
sentiasa akan memastikan setiap perancangan yang telah dibuat dilaksanakan
sepertimana yang dicatat.
4) Is it effective to use all the elements of direct instruction in teaching the subject matter?(Adakah teknik pengajaran langsung (direct instruction) berkesan dalam mengajar subjek matapelajaran anda?)
~ teacher # 1: Ya
~ teacher # 2: Teknik tersebut berkesan digunakan dalam mata pelajaran yang diajar.
~ teacher # 3: Yes, it is but not sufficient enough.
~ teacher # 4: Ya, teknik pengajaran langsung sangat berkesan di dalam matapelajaran
pendidikan jasmani dan kesihatan. Melalui teknik ini, murid dapat melihat dan
lebih memahami teknik lakuan dan tajuk yang saya ajarkan pada hari tersebut.
5) Should the teacher select appropriate elements of direct instruction to teach the students?( Adakah perlu bagi seorang guru untuk memilih sebarang elemen yang terdapat dalam teknik pengajaran langsung semasa mengajar?)
~ teacher # 1: Ya
~ teacher # 2: Ya, seorang guru perlu untuk memilih sebarang elemen yg terdapat dalam
teknik berikut.
~ teacher # 3: Yes, the teacher should choose the most suitable, for a particular lesson.
~ teacher # 4: Ya. Seorang guru perlu bijak didalam memilih elemen yang terdapat dana
teknik pengajaran langsung supaya hasil pembelajaran dapat dicapai pada akhir
proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran berlangsung.
6) How do you make the subject matter and learning process interesting?( Bagaimana anda mewujudkan suasana yang menarik semasa proses pembelajaran?)
~ teacher # 1: Guru perlu menggunakan teknik pendekatan bersama murid seperti
pendekatan kumpulan, projek, lawatan, bermain dan kaedah penyelesaian
~ teacher # 2: untuk mewujudkan suasana yang menarik semasa P&P (Proses Pengajaran dan
Pembelajaran) ialah: i-sesi bercerita
ii- sesi lakonan
~ teacher # 3: By creating a student-oriented approach.
~ teacher # 4: Saya akan mempelbagaikan kaedah/teknik pengajaran supaya ia bersesuaian
dengan kepelbagaian gaya pembelajaran dan kecerdasan pelajar disamping
penggunaan bahan bantu mengajar yang menarik dan berkesan. Di dalam
proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran pendidikan jasmani dan kesihatan, saya
lebih banyak menggunakan teknik pemainan berbentuk kumpulan yang mana
ia mampu mewujudakn suasana yang lebih meriah dan lebih banyak nilai murni
dapat diterapkan seperti kerjasama, berdisplin, bersopan santun, kerajinan dan
sebagainya. Saya juga lebih banyak penggunakan bahan maujud dan nyanyian.
7) How do the teachers tackle the individual differences in their learning process?( Bagaimana anda menguasai isu perbezaan dalam nilai individu sepanjang proses pembelajaran?)
~ teacher # 1: Guru perlu mengambil tahu abiliti dan tahap penguasaan seseorang murid.
Guru perlu memberi perhatian kepada perbezaan pelajar dari segi minat dan
~ teacher # 2: Dengan melihat tingkah laku murid, guru dapat menguasai isu perbezaan dalam
nilai individu sepanjang proses pembelajaran.
~ teacher # 3: By using the mixed ability approach.
~ teacher # 4: Saya akan bersikap adil kepada semua pelajar dan sentiasa menggunakan
kaedah pengajaran yang pelbagai.
8) Do you agree to say that the direct instruction already enough to enhance student’sperformance? And please state the reasons.( Adakah anda setuju untuk mengatakan bahawa teknik pengajaran langsung sudahMemadai bagi meningkatkan prestasi pelajar? Nyatakan mengapa anda berpendirian sebegitu.)
~ teacher # 1: Ya, untuk memberi pelajar belajar dan melibatkan diri dalam pembelajaran.
~ teacher # 2: Ya, saya bersetuju mengatakan teknik pengajaran langsung memadai bagi
meningkatkan prestasi pelajar kerana guru akan menerangkan segala topik
dengan jelas beserta dengan contoh-contoh dan model.
~ teacher # 3: Do not agree, as there are other methods to maximize the students'
~ teacher # 4:Tidak kerana cabaran yang perlu pelajar tempuhi pada masa akan datang tidak
hanya bergantung kepada maklumat dan isi pelajaran yang sampaikan oleh
guru sahaja dan menerima bulat-bulat semuanya. Pelajar sekarang perlu lebih
berdikari dan bersemangat untuk meluaskan dan mendalami lagi maklumat
atau isu yang dibincangkan di dalam kelas. Pelajar boleh menggunakan cara
belajar yang pelbagai kerana bahan sumber mudah diperolehi dimana-mana
sahaja seperti majalah, akhbar, email, internet, televisyen, chatting dan
radio.Maklumat dapat diperolehi dengan hujung jari sahaja , Cuma apa yang
penting ialah kerajinan dan disiplin pelajar itu sendiri. Pada zaman sekarang,
guru hanyalah fisilitator kepada pelajar sahaja bukan lagi tidak henti-henti
memberi maklumat dan pelajar menerima bulat-bulat tanpa mendalaminya
setiap ilmu itu sendiri. Oleh itu, sikap dan tugas guru perlulah diubah mengikut
kesesuaian masa dan tempat
9) From your own experiences, what are your own effective ways or teaching method in order to help your student improve in their studies and performances in the class?( Dari pengalaman anda sendiri, apakah cara yang berkesan atau teknik pengajaran yang baik dalam membantu pelajar memperbaiki pelajaran dan prestasi mereka di dalam kelas?)
~ teacher # 1: Cikgu perlu mewujudkan suasana mesra dan humor dan mempelbagaikan
kaedah mengajar.
~ teacher # 2: Cara yang berkesan atau teknik pengajaran yang baik dalam membantu pelajar
memperbaiki pelajaran dan prestasi mereka ialah; i- tunjuk cara
ii- teknik awan (TOC)
iii- teknik sumbang saran.
~ teacher # 3: Group work, peer evaluation, drilling.
~ teacher # 4: Kita tidak boleh mengatakan hanya satu kaedah sahaja yang sesuai bagi
meningkatkan prestasi pelajar kerana setiap kaedah yang digunakan kalang-
kala tidak begitu sesuai digunakan bagi ssetengah tajuk. Setiap kaedah dan
teknik pengajaran yang digunakan oleh guru mempunyai kelebihan dan
kelemahannya sendiri. Namun, apa yang paling penting, perbincangan di antara
guru dan pelajar adalah amat penting kerana setiap kesalahan dan ketidak
kefahaman dalam sesuatu tajuk dapat di utarakan dan dibincangkan bagi
menyelesaikan masalah yang timbul
Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday 13/03/2009
Sample for survey form :
Respectful Teacher.
Assalammualaikum w.b.t ,
We are a group of International Islamic University Malaysian student who is conducting a research about an effectiveness of teaching among teachers in Malaysia. This research is to fulfill our course work in this semester for Educational Psychology class. Our study objective is to know how much direct instruction may work on the performance of student not only in secondary level but also in primary school level .Other than that, we also want to determine the effectiveness of teaching style for teacher to apply it in classroom. Therefore, from your response, we hope that we can meet our aims. We highly appreciate your cooperation in spending the time to respond to our questions.
Here, we enlisted our group members' name and some additional information for your references.
Thank you.
Group Member’s Name:
· Ismasuryani bt Said 0436078
· Faizlinda bt Yusof 0438608
· Khairun Amirah bt Nikman 0431700
· Khairul aini bt Abd Kadir 0432334
· Marin Mangsuree 0512736
· Nabihah bt. Mohamed Nazir 0436870
· Norul Najwa bt Arshad 0525864
· Nurul Husna bt Mahmud 0529584
Principles of Direct Instruction- Prinsip dalam Teknik Pengajaran Terus/Langsung
The most commonly used principles include:
Introduction/Review ( Pengenalan)
- Topics or information to be learned is presented to the pupils or review of information sets the stage for learning.
(Proses guru memperkenalkan topic dan maklumat kepada palajar)
Development ( Peningkatan)
- Teacher provides clear explanations, descriptions, examples, or models of what is to be learned while checking for pupils' understanding through questioning.
( Guru menyediakan penerangan yang lengkap dan jelas, cirri –ciri, contoh dan model apa yang dipelajari oleh pelajar. Malah guru akan memeriksa kefahaman murid melalui soalan.)
Guided Practice ( Bimbingan)
- Opportunities are provided to the pupils to practice what is expected to be learned while the teacher monitors the activities or tasks assigned.
( Guru turut memberi peluang kepada pelajar dalam mempraktiskan apa yang dipelajari dan tugas guru adalah memantau aktiviti serta tugasan yang diberikan kepada mereka.)
Closure ( Pendekatan)
- Teachers conclude the lesson by wrapping up what was covered.
( Guru akan membuat kesimpulan dalam apa yang telah dia ajari pada pelajar )
Independent Practice (Praktis Secara Kendiri)
- Assignments are given to reinforce the learning without teacher assistance.
( Pelajar diberi tugasan tanpa bantuan guru.)
Evaluation (Pengujian)
- Assessment of pupil progress is conducted to determine levels of mastery
(Peringkat dimana guru akan menguji pelajar bagi memastikan tahap penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan mereka.)
Interview Form for Teacher
Gender : ( M / F )
Marital status:
Age :
School :
Experience in teaching : Yrs
1) What do you understand with direct instruction? Can you describe it?
( Apakah yang anda faham dengan teknik pengajaran langsung.? Boleh anda nyatakan apa yang anda faham tentang ia?)
2) Do you apply all this techniques while you are teaching in the classroom?
( Adakah anda mempraktiskan teknik pengajaran sebegitu di dalam kelas?)
3) How do you cover all syllabuses within one year using direct instruction?
( Bagaimana anda melengkapkan silibus dengan menggunakan teknik pengajaran langsung (direct instruction ) dalam tempoh setahun?)
4) Is it effective to use all the elements of direct instruction in teaching the subject matter?
(Adakah teknik pengajaran langsung (direct instruction) berkesan dalam mengajar subjek matapelajaran anda?)
5) Should the teacher select appropriate elements of direct instruction to teach the students?
( Adakah perlu bagi seorang guru untuk memilih sebarang elemen yang terdapat dalam teknik pengajaran langsung semasa mengajar?)
6) How do you make the subject matter and learning process interesting?
( Bagaimana anda mewujudkan suasana yang menarik semasa proses pembelajaran?)
7) How do the teachers tackle the individual differences in their learning process?
( Bagaimana anda menguasai isu perbezaan dalam nilai individu sepanjang proses pembelajaran?)
8) Do you agree to say that the direct instruction is already enough to enhance student’s
performance? And please state the reasons.
( Adakah anda setuju untuk mengatakan bahawa teknik pengajaran langsung sudah
Memadai bagi meningkatkan prestasi pelajar? Nyatakan mengapa anda berpendirian sebegitu.)
9) From your own experiences, what are your own effective ways or teaching methods in order to help your student improve in their studies and performances in the class?
( Dari pengalaman anda sendiri, apakah cara yang berkesan atau teknik pengajaran yang baik dalam membantu pelajar memperbaiki pelajaran dan prestasi mereka di dalam kelas?)
For the assessment of students' learning style, we have used learning style questionnaire. In this questionnaire, we also have come out with our own additional question in determining students' expectation for the class through out the year. The questionnaire will be attached to our portfolio as a sample of your reference.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Outline several important matters:
- interview session with teacher
- who will be the participant for the interview?
- when we want to conduct it?
- how to conduct the interview?
- what be the content for the question?
2. conduct a study learning approach inventory for student
- who will be the participant for the test?
- when the appropriate time to conduct the inventory?
- how we want to conduct it?
- where we want to conduct it?
3. discuss the progress of the group member's work base on their job scope
8.30A.M: All group members were attend the educational psychology class. During the class Dr.Lihanna gave a breifing for the next task. She asked every group should form organizational structure such as leader and secretary and divide the member for specific job scope. All the group also should name their group. Lastly, she also asked all the eight groups meet her for consultation regarded the blog.
9.00A.M: For our group we started to gather all the members and discussed all the things that Dr. Lihanna had listed. We divided all the members for specific job scope. We also discussed about the blog progress.
9.30-9.45A.M: Make some preparation and waited for consultation session with Dr. Lihanna
9.50 A.M:Consult with Dr. Lihanna.
Issues that had been discuss with lecturer were:
- Several problems that involves in teaching method.
- The problems were created in question format.
2. Stategies that we had listed to overcome it.
- We focused on secondary school level by look at student factors and also teacher factors
- Listed appropriate approach such as conduct interview for teacher and conduct study learning approach for student.
3. Things that need to improve.
- How we address our point and progress of the task.
- other than that, in term of language and grammar need to improve a lot.